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Potassium Humate

Potassium humate is potassium salt of humic acid extracted from high grade leonardite. It is alkaline, soluble in water, works as plant stimulant and soil conditioner. It can be used alone or combined with fertilizers or nutrient for both agricultural crops and horticultural plants.

Outstanding Merits

  • To increase organic matter in soil, improve the soil structure and benefit microbiological activity
  • To enhance soil capacities of water holding, cation exchange and pH buffering
  • To improve the effectiveness of fertilizers and pesticides
  • To increase nutrient uptake through the leaves and roots, promote plant growth and root development
  • To elevate plant stress tolerance against different biotic and abiotic stress


Appearance Black powder, flake, granule
Humic acid, % 60-65
K2O 5-12
Water solubility, % ≥ 98
pH 9-11

Note: Product particle diameter, humic acid content and K2O content can be customized.

Product Usage

Potassium humate can be used by soil application (fertigation) and foliar application. Besides, it can be used as additive or synergist for fertilizers, nutrients and pesticides. A compatibility test is recommended for such combination before first application.

  • Foliar application: Dilute the product with water in order to get ideal concentrated solution of humic acid. 1-2 kg per ha, 2-3 applications during seedling stage and growth stage.
  • Soil application: As base or top-dressing fertilizer. 2-5 kg per ha, 2-3 applications per season. Or 5% of total blend fertilizers, for example, 5 kg potassium humate for 100 kg of urea, DAP or MAP. Do not exceed 10 kg per ha when banded or 20 kg per ha when broadcast.
  • Additive in fertilizers: 2%-10%


25kg/bag or as customer’s requirement.

Product Safety, Handling and Storage

  • Transport as non-dangerous goods.
  • Store in a cool, ventilated, dry place.
  • Shelf life is 24 months.

Sample of Potassium Humate

potassium humate powder, flake, granule

Viedeo of Potassium Humate

Office: Room 805, No. 30, Lane 2419, Hunan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201204, China
Research Center: No. 2, Lane 1123, Kangqiao Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201315 , China
TEL: +86-21-38122007
FAX: +86-21-38122006